Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Working with mirrored properties > Creating mirrored properties
Creating mirrored properties
The steps below use the example of mirroring the "Technologies" property in an "Application" definition with the "Application" property in a "Technology" definition.
1 Create an Application definition. The Technologies property is one of the mirrored properties in this definition type.
2 In the Technologies field, click Choices.
The Select and Drag dialog contains a list of Technology definitions.
3 Drag a Technology definition into the Technologies field.
The text at the bottom of the definition editor informs you that relationships between these definitions could also entered through the matrix.
4 Click OK or Apply.
The properties are now mirrored.
On the other end of the new relationship, the Applications in use property in the Technology definition will mirror its relationship to the Technologies property. To see how mirroring updates each end of related properties automatically, go on to the next step.
5 Open the My Technology definition and click the Matrix tab.
The Applications used in field contains the My Application definition, because of the steps taken above.
Note The example above illustrates that mirrored properties are updated when you add a new relationship. The inverse action is also true; each property is also updated when you delete a relationship between them.
See also
Working with mirrored properties