Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Updating definitions with mirrored properties
Updating definitions with mirrored properties
The Synchronize Mirror Properties updates encyclopedias when you mirror new or existing properties in definitions. The option runs automatically on older encyclopedias to ensure that mirrored properties are updated and enabled for mirroring. You can also run it manually.
When the Synchronize Mirror Properties option runs automatically, read the information on the Required Adjustments dialog, and then click OK.
The status bar displays the definitions being processed. When the synchronization is complete, the report window displays a list of the definitions that were synchronized.
To run the synchronize mirror properties option manually
1 Open the encyclopedia in which you have made definition properties mirrored.
2 Click Tools > Synchronize Mirror Properties.
See also
Mirrored properties overview
Defining symbols