Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Using grids
Using grids
Some definitions in System Architect are displayed in grids. These grids display much of the information of a definition, all in one table that can be easily viewed and edited.
You can edit a definition through its representation in the grid, or edit the definition through dialogs by clicking the definition’s row in the grid, and then clicking Define.
List properties are also shown in the grid; to display the choices of a list, click the grid element.
A row in a grid presents the properties of a definition type. Some of these properties are themselves definitions (for example an attribute has properties such as type and key (which do not have underlying definitions), and data element and domain (which do have full definitions of their own).
When you click Define, the Definition dialog for item in the grid where the cursor is positioned opens. If the item is a simple property of the row definition, you open the full row definition (that is, selecting 'PK' opens the definition for the whole attribute). If the property has a definition of its own, you open that definition (that is, selecting Domain opens the definition of the Domain, not the attribute that the domain is a property of).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note The grid for an attribute of an entity (above) is slightly different than most grids in that the left column, Data, is not the name of the grid's primary element (attribute). In most grids, the left column specifies the name of what is in the grid.
See also
Defining symbols