Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Matrix editors > Using the matrix editor
Using the matrix editor
All matrices are opened from Matrix Browser. To open the Matrix Browser, click View > Matrix Browser. The Matrix Browser is opened and is added to the main System Architect Browser. The Matrix Browser contains methodology tabs. Depending upon the configuration settings for the encyclopedia these tabs provide with different types of matrices for each methodology that is available.
Clicking a matrix opens the Matrix Editor.
When a matrix is activated, the Matrix menu is available.
Matrix menu commands
Saves the current matrix to a default "User Matrix" definition.
Save as
Saves the current matrix to a chosen "User Matrix" definition.
Exports the current matrix to Excel, HTML, Word or CSV file.
Add row/column
Adds a row/column to the current matrix - creating a row/column definition.
Column label styles
If Vertical or Horizontal is selected, the column titles are switched to either position.
Auto fit cells
Fits the column widths to the widest cell in that column.
X in cell
Switches the matrix to show intersections instead of text in cell.
Infer relationships
Available for multi‑dimensional matrices, shows inferred intersections.
Reloads the matrix using the last settings (option to save current settings is given).
Prints the current matrix.
Print preview
Shows a print preview of the current matrix.
Closes the open matrix.
To display the toolbar, right‑click the toolbar, and then click Customize > Matrix.
Context menu commands
Right‑click in a cell to use these commands:
Edit cell definition
Opens the MatrixCell definition edit session.
Edit column definition
Opens the column definition edit session.
Edit row definition
Opens the row definition edit session.
Add row/column
Adds a row/column at the current location.
Remove row/column
Removes the current row/column.
Reload the matrix.
Opening the definition edit session
Double clicking a matrix row or column heading will open the definition edit session.
Context menu
Open default
Loads the default matrix for the methodology that is selected.
Opens the currently selected matrix and does not provide a default name. When this matrix is Saved, the Save As dialog appears requesting a new name for the matrix. This option can be used as an alternate way of saving a matrix with a different name.
Delete default
Deletes the default saved matrix associated to this matrix type.
Open empty matrix
Loads an empty matrix with no columns or rows.
Matrix filters
The Use Row Filter and Use Column Filter commands on the Matrix Filters enable you to decide whether the row and columns selected are the ones to use, or whether the filters are to be used. These settings are saved when the matrix has been saved.
See also
Matrix editors