Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Matrix editors > Using text-in-cell matrices
Using text-in-cell matrices
Text-in-Cell cross-reference matrices enable you to enter text in the cell that intersects two definitions. The text generally describes the constraint of the relationship -- how the two definitions are affiliated.
What is a text-in-cell matrix?
Certain matrices are Text-in-Cell matrices. In a Text-in-Cell matrix, the "X" (for Show Intersections) button in the upper row of the matrix toolbar will be de-selected or raised (see figure in example below). This enables you to enter and see text in the cells of the matrix. Click the "X" button to reload the matrix and any cell with text in it displays an “x” instead.
Matrix columns and rows can be dragged on to widen them, enabling you to show as much of the text as you like. You can store up to 255 characters in a cell.
How it works
In System Architect, the intersecting cell has a definition in its own right in the repository and is usually named according to the definition types being cross-referenced (for example, EBP/Role, Function/Activity, Message/Stimulus, and so on). The result of a cross-reference can have all the implications of the "X" in cell matrix plus these:
an intersecting Cell definition stores the text, up to 255 characters
the intersecting Cell definition is named according to the Row definition, and is keyed by the Row and Column definitions
each Row definition stores a list of related Column definitions
each Column definition stores a list of related Row definitions
Example text-in-cell matrix
An example of a Text-in-Cell matrix is the Elementary Business Process to Entity matrix. You can enter text in the cells to describe how a process works on a particular entity. You can, for instance, specify if it Creates it, Reads it, Updates it, or Deletes it. Using verbs such as these makes this what is often called a CRUD matrix.
To open the elementary business process vs. entity (text-in-cell matrix)
1 With the Samples encyclopedia open in System Architect, select View, Matrix Browser.
2 The Matrix Browser appears. On the Business Enterprise button open the Elem Bus Process to Entity matrix by clicking the name (or right-click the name, and then click Open Default or New).
3 Click Next to bypass the Matrix Filters dialog.
4 Click Finish to bypass the Matrix Filters contents dialog (leaving the default: all column and row definitions selected). The Elementary Business Process to Entity matrix is presented.
5 You can now place text in the cells, and see any text that is already in a cell. This text can be output later to a Word report.
6 You can alternate between an "X" in Cell and Text in cell view by clicking the 'X' (for Show Intersections) button.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Matrix editors