Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Matrix editors > Using multi-dimensional matrices
Using multi-dimensional matrices
Definitions in System Architect can be part of more than one matrix. Consequently, a cross-reference in one matrix can infer a cross-reference in another.
A multi-dimensional matrix displays, on a single matrix editor window, inter-related matrices that share definitions and where a cross-reference in one matrix infers a cross-reference in another.
For example, you might have three definition types, Defn A, Defn B, Defn C. Each definition type has instances (that is, a Business Process definition type might have instances such as “Order Shipment” and “Calculate Price”. If A(i) denotes the ith instance of Defn A, B(j) denotes the jth instance of Defn B, and C(k) denotes the kth instance of Defn C, instances might be related like this:
A(i) - B(j)
B(j) - C(k)
The relations above infer that A(i) - C(k). This is a possible relationship; it is not necessarily true. Multi-Dimensional matrices in System Architect enable you to see these possible relationships. You can accept them or disregard them, and a bit later you will find out how.
A multi-dimensional matrix is not really a matrix type. It is actually a collection of individual, inter-related "X" in cell type matrices viewed simultaneously, as if in a chain.
Because multi-dimensional matrices are created by linking individual 'X-in-Cell' matrices, any 'X-in-Cell' matrix can be part of a Multi-Dimensional matrix.
For example, you might have modeled a business process called Calculate Room Price (of a Reservation for a hotel room), which is provided by an application that you are building called Reservations. You are building this application using Microsoft’s .NET framework technology.
In System Architect, the following matrices are linked through multiple dimensions:
Elem Bus Process to Application
Elem Bus Process to Technology
Application to Technology
in order for these matrices to be available, you must have Enterprise Architecture turned on in the Customize Method Support dialog (Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration).
1 Open the Application to Technology matrix by selecting View > Matrix Browser.
The Matrix Browser appears.
2 Click Technology, and then open the Application to Technology matrix by clicking the name (or right-click the name, and then click Open Default or New).
All three matrices above are presented in the same Matrix Editor window, in tabs.
3 In the Elementary Business Process to Application matrix tab, specify that the Reservations application performs the business process Calculate Room Price.
4 In the Application to Technology tab, specify that the Reservations application will be built using the Microsoft .NET framework technology.
5 In the Elementary Business Process to Technology matrix tab, notice that no relationships exist.
6 In the Matrix toolbar, click the 'Infer Relationships' (In) button, and System Architect fills in cells of inferred relationships with an italic blue 'X'. In this example, a blue italic X is placed in the cell intersecting the EBP definition Calculate Room Price and the technology definition .NET.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
7 To save an inferred relation, and make it a formal relation, select 'Infer Relationships' (In) again. You will be prompted to “save the inferences to the matrix and if you are sure”. Select Yes for both. The italicized X color changes to black; the technology definition .NET is added as a reference property value to the EBP definition Calculate Room Price; and Calculate Room Price is added as a reference property value to the technology definition .NET.
See also
Matrix editors