Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > System Architect Data Migration utility (samigrate)
System Architect Data Migration utility (samigrate)
The System Architect Data Migration Utility (samigrate) allows you to do a physical copy of one encyclopedia to another. No business logic is applied to the data being copied. The records in the destination encyclopedia will be unmodified copies of the source data.
The migration utility does not create encyclopedias; therefore, the destination encyclopedia must already exist and it must have been created with the same System Architect version. If any records exist in the destination encyclopedia then you will be warned and must allow the migration utility to delete them or the process will be stopped.
The version for SAMigrate, the source encyclopedia, and the destination encyclopedia be the same, for example:
Run SAMigrate 10.4 only on a 10.4 source encyclopedia and a 10.4. destination encyclopedia.
Run SAMigrate 10.5 only on a 10.5 source encyclopedia and a 10.5 destination encyclopedia.
The System Architect Data Migration Utility is in the System Architect’s directory:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\samigrate.exe
To run the migration utility
1 Double click the samigrate.exe file
2 Set these properties in the Source and Destination fields:
Select SQL Server.
Server Name
Enter a valid server name for SQL Server.
Encyclopedia Name
Enter the encyclopedia name to copy from in the source control and the encyclopedia name to copy to in the destination control.
Integrated Security
Select this option if the server has been configured for integrated security for the SQL Server.
User Name
If not using integrated security enter a valid SQL Server name.
If not using integrated security enter the password for the user name supplied above.
Copy History
Select this option if you want the entity and files history tables to be migrated to the destination encyclopedia. The history files in the destination encyclopedia will always be deleted before the migration runs.
3 Click OK to begin the migration.
The system tries to connect to both the source and destination encyclopedias, and then displays a count of the records in each table of the source encyclopedia at the bottom of the dialog box.
It then checks that the tables in the destination encyclopedia are empty; if not it asks if you want to delete the data. If you do not delete the data, the process stops.
Then migration starts. The number of records written to each table in the destination encyclopedia is displayed in the list box at the bottom of the dialog box.
4 After the migration has been completed it is recommended that you run the SACompare Utility. This will indicate that there are no differences between the source and destination encyclopedias. For more information on the SACompare Utility, see “Comparing Encyclopedias”.
See also
Overview of using basic capabilities