Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Matrix editors > Synchronized definitions
Synchronized definitions
Matrix Editors provide a different entry point for entering information into the project encyclopedia, in addition to the normal techniques of using diagrams and definitions. Information entered into the Matrix Editors is automatically entered into symbol definitions; changes to information in either place are synchronized - the Matrix Editors simply provide another view of the information.
The Matrix Editors are synchronized with definitions in System Architect in either of the following ways, depending on the specific definition and Matrix Editor:
Input through Matrix Editor
Most matrices allow information to be entered through the matrix editor.
Input Forced to Matrix Editor Only
Some definitions have been restricted so that they can only be entered through matrices: the corresponding property dialog for entering a new definition in a symbol, is read only. Many matrices provided for Business Process methodologies behave this way. The reasoning behind this is that these methodologies require certain definitions to be entered only on the global level.
Input in Definition Editor
You can relate definitions in the definition dialog for one or either of the definition types. The related properties are mirrored; each shows the relationship to the other, in the definition editor and the matrix editor (Encyclopedias created with earlier versions need to be updated with the Synchronize Mirror Properties to enable mirroring.)
Where cross-reference definitions reside
The matrix editors present a two-dimensional view of data. To say a definition of type X is related to a definition of type Y means that:
the definition dialog for X contains a list of Y definitions, or
the definition dialog for Y contains a list of X definitions, or
both of the above, or
none of the above; that is, although the two definitions are cross referenced, this view of the information is not (for some methodological reason) presented to the user in the definition dialog of either definition.
See also
Creating a user-defined matrix
Matrix editors