Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Workspaces > Selecting a workspace
Selecting a workspace
When you start System Architect and open an encyclopedia with more than one workspace, a dialog is displayed for you to select a workspace. If an encyclopedia has only one workspace, that workspace is opened automatically. When you open a workspace, you can open a different workspace to work on. All open items are closed when you switch from workspace to another.
To select a workspace
1 Click File > Select Workspace.
2 Click a workspace, and then click OK.
The workspace opens and the title bar of the application window shows the workspace you selected, along with the Server name and current encyclopedia, in the form:
"ServerName(EncyclopediaName): WorkspaceName"
If you open the baseline workspace, it opens with read-only access: “Read Only” appears next to its name. For example:
"MyServerName (Samples): My Baseline Name (Read Only)."
3 Any changes that you make to the encyclopedia from this point forward are created in the workspace you selected.
See also