Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Workspaces > Merge workspace overview > Merging or extracting from workspace to encyclopedia
Merging or extracting from workspace to encyclopedia
You can merge the contents from a workspace in an encyclopedia to another encyclopedia that does not support workspaces.
1 From an encyclopedia with no workspaces, click Tools > Collaboration > Merge.
2 Click Browse in the Source field.
3 In the Browse dialog, select the encyclopedia from which to merge, and then click OK.
If the encyclopedia you select one or more workspaces, the Select Workspace dialog is displayed.
If the encyclopedia you select has only one Workspace, that Workspace is selected for you automatically.
4 Select a Workspace from the Encyclopedia Workspaces field in the Select Workspace dialog (if the dialog is displayed), and then click OK.
The Merge dialog is displayed.
5 Select the artifacts you want to merge by selecting one of the following options:
Existing List
If you saved a list (which contains artifacts to merge or extract) you can locate and select it through the Merge/Extract List File dialog that is displayed.
New List
Use this option to gather the artifacts to merge and to create a list of them that you can save. You can reuse the list the next time you merge
Takes all the artifacts from the source Workspace or encyclopedia and merges them into the target.
6 Click If items are identical to select how collisions should be handled when artifacts from the source have the same name as artifacts from the target. Click Preview to get a report of the artifacts that would be merged based on your current selections.
7 Click OK.
A report named Encyclopedia Merge from <tsource name> summarizes the objects that were merged. You can save, print or copy the report.
8 Click Close to end the report window.
See also
Merge workspace overview