Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Workspaces > Workspaces and System Architect utilities > System Architect XT
System Architect XT
System Architect XT recognizes encyclopedias with workspaces. When it you select to open such an encyclopedia, a Workspace Name field is displayed for you to select a workspace. If your encyclopedia does not contain workspaces, the login page is grayed out and you are asked to continue logging in.
The same workflow and login privileges apply to workspaces that apply to standard encyclopedias.
For example, if you login to System Architect XT as a “Reader”, you have read only access to the workspace, and only non-baselined workspaces are listed for you to select.
If you login as an “Updater”, you can update workspaces the same way you can update encyclopedias, and you can select to open baselined and non-baselined workspaces. However, because baselined workspaces are read only, you can only login to them as a “Reader”.
In the System Architect XT login screen, Remember Selection enables you to save your server, encyclopedia, and workspace selections: the next time you login, System Architect XT loads your selections and you only need to click Login to start working on a workspace.
See also
Workspaces and System Architect utilities