Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Comparing encyclopedias > Encyclopedia comparison procedure > Phase 1: Select encyclopedias to compare
Phase 1: Select encyclopedias to compare
Using the System Architect Compare in System Architect, select the Base and Compare encyclopedias, and the names and folders for their respective XML output files to be generated.
To compare encyclopedias:
1 In System Architect, select Tools, SA Compare.
2 In the SA Compare dialog within System Architect, the default Base Encyclopedia is the one that you have currently open. You can change this using the browse (...) button.
3 In the Output file field for the Base encyclopedia, choose an xml output file name and location using the browse (...) button. All records in the base encyclopedia will be written to this file.
4 Select an encyclopedia to compare the base encyclopedia to, using the browse (...) button.
5 The SA Compare dialog minimizes, and the System Architect Open Encyclopedia dialog box opens, where you can open the encyclopedia that you want to compare the base to.
6 Click Browse on the output file field for the Compare encyclopedia, and select a name (with an XML extension) and location for the compare encyclopedia output file. All records in the compare encyclopedia will be written to this file.
7 Click OK.
SA Compare writes encyclopedia records to the respective XML output files and then opens the SA Compare dialog for you to enter compare parameters.
When you make your selections and click OK, System Architect Compare reads all records from the currently open encyclopedia (the Base) and generates those records to the Base XML output file. It then closes the Base, opens the Compare encyclopedia, and generates all of its records to the Compare XML output file. Each XML output file contains all encyclopedia records: the actual records to compare are determined in the next phase.
Depending on the size of the encyclopedias, the XML file generation process can take several minutes to hours. After the output files are created, the System Architect portion of this procedure is done.
See also
Encyclopedia comparison procedure