Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Comparing encyclopedias > Working with filter sets
Working with filter sets
There are two filter sets that you work with in System Architect Compare. The Compare Filter set enables you to select the System Architect objects you want to compare. The Display Filter set enables you to select which objects, of those you chose to compare, you want to display in the generated website. This lets you generate different websites from the same data.
You can select multiple objects in the Property column, by pressing Alt and clicking. This also selects all objects where the property exists. For example, in the image below, pressing Alt and clicking Description selected all diagrams containing the Description property, and also selected the Description property within those diagrams.
The Filter dialog works the same for the compare filter sets (see Compare filter sets) and display filter sets (see Display filter sets. The image below shows the Display Filter dialog.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
SA Compare settings
Viewing compared encyclopedias
Comparing encyclopedias