Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository > Locating referenced objects
Locating referenced objects
You can use the function to determine the relationship between the current object and other objects. For example, an entity definition can be referenced by a relationship, project data model, access path, table, Entity Relation diagram, and other entities.
To view referenced diagrams or definitions, click View > References or click the References icon in the toolbar. Relationships are displayed in the References window. You can resize and move the window to another location in the workspace.
The References window is automatically refreshed when an object is selected by one of the following methods:
Select an item in the Explorer.
Select a symbol object in a diagram or select the diagram workspace.
Select a Cell, column, or row in the matrix.
Context menu options available in the References pane
This opens another References window for the item you selected. This will have the name of the selected item and will show the references for that item. This window’s contents will not be updated by other selections you make elsewhere within System Architect.
Show the property names for references from x
Show the property names for references to x
The above trigger examination of references in the chosen direction, looking for references that match the selected item and relationship with the item the References window was opened for. This finds real references, not just potential references that are allowed by the metamodel.
Properties are presented in label <-- property name fashion if the two are different.
For instance, for the selected item below from the sample UML 2.5 encyclopedia:
A grapic depicting showing the property names for references
References from A-B to the selected item with the ‘uses’ relationship:
A graphic depicting Rererence Properties with the ’uses’ relationship
References from the selected item to A-B with the ‘used by’ relationship:
A graphic depicting Rererence Properties with the ’used by’ relationship
If no references are found in the chosen direction then the following is presented in place of the property list: “No matching properties were found.”.
There are two views that become available: Tree view and Grid view. The default is Tree view.
Tree view
Displays the related items in the tree format, similar to the Explorer view.
Grid view
Displays the related items in a grid. When this view is selected, the following options are available in the toolbar.
Filter by selection
This option to show that reference type, when you have selected a reference. For example, if you have selected a definition and used this filter then only the definitions are shown in the grid view.
Filter excluding selection
This option removes the reference type from the grid view, when you have selected a reference.
Remove filter
Remove the filters that you have selected and all items becomes available in the grid view.
Several other options are available by right-clicking a reference in the grid.
Open items
Opens the reference definition or diagram you have selected.
Opens the selected reference in a secondary window.
Changes the view back to the tree format.
See also
Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository