Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository > Creating views for the Explorer > Creating panes and views
Creating panes and views
You can create Panes in the Views Explorer. A Pane contains Views, and Views are tied to database objects, so they are specific to the encyclopedia in which you create them.
All users can see the All Views pane by default, but other Views that you create can only be seen by you. Other options include:
You can enable Roaming Profiles to have your Views available when you open an encyclopedia from another computer on the same network.
You can copy the Views file sa_usrviews.xml (usually in C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect) onto another Profile. However, you must change the Audit Id in the sa_usrviews.xml file accordingly, and note that it can only work on the same encyclopedia.
Creating a pane
To create a Pane in the Views Explorer, proceed as follows:
1 Click the Add a new pane, delete or rename the current pane button and select Add. The Add New Pane dialog is displayed.
2 Enter a name in the Name field. Optionally, you can select the icons to display for your Pane. You can select the 16x16 icon file that appears in the Button Pane Selector, and the 24x24 icon that appears in the Accordion Pane Selector.
To select your own icons for the Pane you are creating, click the 16x16 bmp and on the 24x24 bmp buttons respectively, and navigate to the bitmap files you intend to use.
To use the default icons, do not select icon bitmaps. The Views Explorer places the default icons, as shown in the dialog.
3 Click OK. The new Pane is added to the Views Explorer and becomes the selected Pane.
Deleting a pane
You cannot delete the All or My Views panes. But you can delete the panes you create as follows:
1 Select the Pane you want to delete.
2 Click Add a new pane, delete or rename the current pane button and select Delete.
Creating views in a pane
You can create as many Views as you like in a Pane. You can create Static Views and Dynamic Views. For more information, see:
Creating a static view
Creating a dynamic view
See also
Creating views for the Explorer