Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository > Configure Tabs
Configure Tabs
You can customize the way your Explorer appears for each encyclopedia by configuring the tabs. For the Explorer you can add, delete and rename the tabs. The All Methods Tab can not be reconfigured.
Right‑click in the Explorer, and then click Configure Tabs.
Add New
Adds a new tab to the top. Depending upon how many tabs you already have on the Explorer, the new tab appears with the name of "New Tab + the #". For example, if you have 11 tabs and create a new one the name of the tab appears as New Tab 12.
Renames a tab. After selecting the tab you want to rename, click Rename, you are presented with the Rename a Explorer Tab dialog. Change both the Tab Long Name and Tab Short Name.
After adding the new tab, make sure that you select all the diagrams or definitions you want to appear for that tab. If you do not make any selections after saving your tab it does not appear in the Explorer.
Resets the configuration values for whatever tab you have chosen. The options are as follows: Standard configuration or Last saved values.
Deletes a tab you do not want to appear in the Explorer.
Saves your configurations for the Explorer.
You can also save the Explorer tab configuration for the current encyclopedia only in the EncyBrowserTabs.xml file. This file is automatically saved in the files table of your database (.mdf file).
The last option allows you to specify a location and name of the file that you want to use for the current encyclopedia as well as all other encyclopedias.
Reset All
Choose either Standard configuration (Default Settings) or Last saved values. This option resets the entire Explorer tabs.
Select either Yes or No to save any changes that you have made to the Explorer when prompted.
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Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository