Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Matrix editors > Creating a new matrix using the matrix designer
Creating a new matrix using the matrix designer
Use the Matrix Designer to create and delete matrices.
1 Start the Matrix Designer by selecting Tools > Matrix Designer.
2 Set the properties on the General tab and Matrix Definitions tab that are described below.
3 Click Save and close the Matrix Designer.
4 Restart System Architect to load the new matrix.
5 Click View > Matrix Browser.
6 Select the User Defined tab to view the matrix.
Matrix properties: General tab
In the General tab, specify the name of the matrix, the name of the menu command used to invoke the designer from the Tools menu. Define the type of matrix, by filling out the following properties.
Matrix browser caption
Specify the name of the matrix’s menu command that will invoke from the Matrix Browser, User Defined tab. You can place an ampersand (&) anywhere in the name, directly preceding any letter that you want to be a hot key. The hot key is used to invoke the matrix thought the keyboard. Menu entry, appears in the sub user menu.
Matrix title
Specify the name of the matrix. It will appear as a heading in the matrix itself.
Matrix type
Select from the list the type of matrix. The generic matrix type is SAGenericMatrixProc.
Multi dimensional matrix
This represents the ID of the Multi-Dimensional Matrix group to which that particular matrix belongs. Use this value to group matrices together, the benefit is that related cells can then be inferred across different matrices in the same group. Matrices with the same value are grouped.
Default matrix
The name of the matrix, which should be selected from the list of located matrix configurations, by default. When loading a user-defined matrices, a list of matrices saved by the user will be presented. User matrices have a type of SAMatrixSelectProc. If case the field contains a matrix name, then that matrix is opened up by default instead of asking for the user to specify a preference through the list.
X in cell
Enable to indicate that the matrix should only be displayed in a simple cross-reference mode, regardless of whether it is possible to display text in cells. In this mode, if the Column property and Row property are empty strings, then the CellDef property must be filled with valid values.
If disabled, the text is shown in cells. In this mode, the CellDef must be given valid values.
Show pick list
A checked setting will cause the pick list of Column and Row definitions to be shown before the matrix is presented. The user also has the option at this point to save the matrix configuration.
Matrix properties: Matrix Definitions tab
Click the Matrix Definitions tab to define the matrix definition types to be presented on rows, columns, and optionally cells. Intersections can be stored by cell definition or by property or a combination of both.
Specify the definition that will be in the columns of the matrix.
Specify the name of the property in the column definition that will store the list of related row definitions. For example, the property that will store cross-reference information.
Specify the definition that will be in the rows of the matrix.
Specify the name of the property in the row definition that will store the list of related column definitions. For example, the property that will store cross-reference information.
Specify the name of the definition type that will contain as text the contents of the column and row intersection. This is referred to as the container definition.
A matrix that has the same row and column definition types can be displayed as mirrored matrices.
See also
Matrix editors