Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Importing and exporting information > CSV and TXT format > Importing and exporting information through CSV
Importing and exporting information through CSV
System Architect enables definitions to be imported and exported from files that are in text format or comma‑separated value (CSV) format. This facility is accessed by selecting Dictionary > Import Definitions or Dictionary > Export Definitions.
A design represented by a diagram in System Architect consists of two basic components: the graphical diagram and the underlying symbol definitions. You can import or export only the definitions, not the graphical components of the diagrams.
Another way to import CSV files is by using the User Auto-CSV Import (see below).
User Auto-CSV Import
This type of import is based on encyclopedia settings and it takes place at encyclopedia open time in silent mode, meaning no user interface, messages, or reports will be presented.
To set up the information needed for this type of import, you must first run SAEM.EXE and select the destination server/encyclopedia the file(s) will be imported into and select Tools > Encyclopedia Settings.
You will be presented with a dialog containing three settings: User Auto CSV Import Enabled, User Auto CSV Import Folder and User Auto CSV Import Collision Options, which are described below.
User Auto CSV Import Enabled
Allowed values are Y or N (the default).
User Auto CSV Import Folder
The full path to a folder where the CSV files are to be located in subfolders named using the definition types. For example, if the path to the import folder entered into the encyclopedia setting is C:\AutoCSV, the subfolders to be created could be C:\AutoCSV\402 for CSV files containing UML Class definitions, C:\AutoCSV\15 for CSV files containing Entity definitions, and so on.
User Auto CSV Import Collision Options
The options are identical to the ones presented in the normal CSV import interface:
0 – Never replace existing definition (the default).
1 – Delete all fields then add new data.
2 – Update single fields when data supplied.
3 – Update single fields; clear field if no data.
When all of this information is entered correctly and saved, the next time the encyclopedia is opened the import will take place. The import reports will be saved in the respective folders where the files are located. For example, if one of the files to be imported is C:\AutoCSV\402\MyClasses.CSV, the report created will be C:\AutoCSV\402\MyClasses.LOG. If saving the reports into those folders fails, System Architect will attempt to save them into the System Architect temporary folder.
If any of the encyclopedia settings are incorrect or missing, the errors will be logged in the SA2001.LOG file if System Architect is run with the -log command line argument.
This import will take place every time the encyclopedia is opened, until the User Auto CSV Import Enabled setting is changed to N.
System Architect provides other facilities for importing and exporting definitions to and from an encyclopedia, which include both the definitions and the graphical components of diagrams. This includes merge/extract between other System Architect encyclopedias.
See also
CSV and TXT format