Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > History > Object history and property comparison > Object history overview
Object history overview
The History window shows and works with current and history records of encyclopedia diagrams and definitions. The Object History window enables you to see how objects have changed in an encyclopedia and across workspaces. You can edit the current version of the selected item, view and compare the properties of selected current and history records.
The Object History window offers different functions than the standard History option in System Architect Edit dialogs, from which you can revert to a previous state, save the history, print, or export it to Microsoft Word. That History feature traces only changes in ancestor workspaces, not changes to the current or to child workspaces. Further, the History dialog displays all properties, whether or not they have changed. The History dialog is modal, meaning you cannot use other System Architect functions while it is displayed.
In contrast, the Property Comparison/View pane, accessible from the Object History window, can be used to display the property differences between any object. The properties are displayed side-by-side and can be restricted to show only differences. As these comparisons are shown in a pane, not a modal dialog, you are free to work with other objects or show multiple comparisons. It is also possible to save and print the comparison.
See also
Object history and property comparison