Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using Enterprise Merge/Extract > Merging information – Enterprise Merge
Merging information – Enterprise Merge
The Intelligent Merge function enables you to merge information that you have already extracted from the current encyclopedia, back into it.
To perform the merge, perform these steps:
1 Right-mouse-click over the Explorer, and then select Prepare to check in from project.
2 In the Merge/Extract dialog that opens, select Browse to specify the path of the encyclopedia from which to merge information. Again, remember that you must have extracted information into this encyclopedia earlier for the merge to be enabled. If the encyclopedia you select to merge information from does not have extracted information in it, System Architect will issue the applicable warning message.
3 Click OK to the Browse and Merge/Extract dialogs. A visual indicator (check mark with blue diamond) appears in the Explorer next to all items that are checked out and will be merged in.
4 Optionally, select Merge/Extract filters to open the ‘Set required filtering for Browser’ dialog. You can set filters to make it easier to review the items that can be checked in from the project encyclopedia.
5 Right-mouse click over the Explorer, and then select Check in from project.
6 Select the appropriate collision requirements (always overwrite target, never overwrite target, use more recent).
7 Click OK. The actual merge is executed.
System Architect imposes the following restrictions during the merge:
An item cannot be nominated “to be checked in” if it is locked or frozen or if it is not checked out by merge/extract in the master.
If an item that is referenced by a complete list is marked “to be checked in”, the container of that complete list will also be marked “to be checked in”.
During the merge process, System Architect performs checks against the project encyclopedia in a similar way to the current merge/extract processing. These considerations apply:
An item cannot be checked in if it is marked frozen or checked out in the project.
The item’s data already present in the master is overwritten by the material being extracted only if it fulfills the collision requirements specified earlier.
If an item was selected for check-in, but it is no longer present in the project encyclopedia (that is, it has been deleted), the item will be deleted from the master. However, the action might fail if a different item, which is now in use (locked, frozen or checked out by someone else) in the master, refers to it.
When an item is checked back into the master, the property Target Encyclopedias in the item in the master will be removed. Additionally, the master’s path will be removed from the property Source Encyclopedias in the item in the project.
When the property Source Encyclopedias becomes empty in the project, the item will become frozen.
During the check-in process, a detailed report of the actions taken is produced.
See also
Extracting and checking out information – Enterprise Extract
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Using Enterprise Merge/Extract