Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Diagrams > Opening diagram windows outside the System Architect window
Opening diagram windows outside the System Architect window
Diagrams can be opened in windows external to the main System Architect window to facilitate working with multiple display screens.
There is an Open With External Window option from the browser.
External diagram windows...
Look like this when active (Windows 10):
A graphic depicting an active external diagram window (Windows 10)
and like this when inactive (Windows 10):
A graphic depicting an inactive external diagram window (Windows 10)
Are shown on the Start menu and under the System Architect program on the Start menu to facilitate easy access.
A graphic depicting an external diagram window shown on the Start menu and under the System Architect program on the Start menu
Can be switched to with the Alt+Tab key combination.
Note Switching to System Architect in this fashion afterwards leaves the active indicator on the diagram window but you have access to the menus through the usual shortcut keys as explained below.
Are not shown on the Window menu.
When an external diagram window has an active indicator...
You can still access the System Architect menus through the normal shortcut keys.
You can still use the keyboard shortcut keys that drive diagram scrolling, zooming, mouse cursor movement and mouse click actions.
You can use the mouse or Windows Mouse Keys to select operations from the System Architect tool bar.
Note If the tool bar is docked within the System Architect window then the diagram window will lose its active indicator on the caption bar, but System Architect will still know that it is the active window.
If there is a non-external diagram window open then one of these will still be shown to be active through the tab indicator.
If you want to switch to an active non-external diagram window you must click in the diagram workspace to achieve this.
The window can be sized with the mouse in the usual way. You can also access the control menu through the Alt+Space key combination.
Note While picking the Close option from this will close the window, using the Alt+F4 shortcut will close System Architect.
The window can be maximized by double-clicking the caption bar. Double-clicking again will return it to the previous size.
Creating or opening child or parent diagrams will open another external diagram window.
Saving of window position and size...
Is done when the window is moved or sized.
The maximized state is also saved, when a position has been saved.
The position and size is set on opening an external diagram window. If no information had been saved then the default location and size will be used. The window is moved to ensure it is completely visible.
To clear the saved information, open sa2001.ini and remove setting ExtDgmWnd from section SystemArchitect.
See also