Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulation tutorials > Simulation of IDEF3 Process Flows > Set Up the simulation > 10. Creating Resource Allocations
10. Creating Resource Allocations
As mentioned in the previous topic (see 9. Creating Resource Availability), Resource Allocation specifies how many resources (or roles) are needed to do a job. A Role is allocated to a process symbol through the Resources Allocation property box.
We will create two Resource Allocation definitions.
1 Within System Architect’s Explorer, highlight the Definitions branch and select New.
2 In the ‘Select new type for all Methods’ dialog, scroll down and double-click the Resource Allocation definition.
3 Enter Orders Manager as the name of the Resource Allocation.
4 On the Introduction tab, leave the default setting of Single Resource as the Allocation Type.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 Select the Single tab.
6 Locate the Resource property field and select the Choices button. The Select and Drag dialog opens with a list of Roles.
7 Drag and drop Orders Manager in the Resource property field.
8 Leave the Quantity Allocated at its default value of 1. This means it takes one Orders Manager to perform the process that this Resource Allocation will be assigned to.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
9 Press OK.
Group Resource Allocations
There are some processes that require more than one person working at them for them to be accomplished. To model this we will create a Group Resource Allocation.
1 Using the same method as above, create a Resource Allocation named Orders.
2 On the Introduction tab, toggle ‘on’ Group Resource as the Allocation Type and press the Apply button.
Note When the Apply button is pressed, the tabs on the dialog will change – there will now be a Group tab (it used to named Single).
3 Select the Group tab.
4 In the Allocation List grid, type Orders Clerk 1 (and press Enter) and Orders Clerk 2 (and press Enter). Leave the default values for Allocation Type and Quantity Allocated.
Note When creating a Group Resource Allocation, you must make sure that every resource in the Allocation List has a matching Resource definition attached to it. If you do not do so, you will receive an error stating that your Resource Allocation does not reference a Resource – Resource when validating or running the Simulation.
5 Assign a Resource to Orders Clerk 1 by putting your cursor in the Resource cell of Orders Clerk 1, and then right-click to reveal a Choices button. Click the Choices button that pops up to open a Select and Drag dialog, with a list of Roles that we previously created. Select and drag the Orders Clerk 1 into the Resource grid box. This will give you a matching resource for the Allocation Name.
6 Using the same method as above, drag and drop the Orders Clerk 2 into the Resource grid box.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
7 At the bottom of the dialog on the Group tab, leave the default value All from a List. This will indicate that we want to use both resources in the process symbol.
8 Press OK to accept the changes.
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11. Allocating resources to a process symbol
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Set Up the simulation