Architecting and designing > Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (CG IAF) > Load metamodel
Load metamodel
System Architect for IAF provides a set of configuration files, images, and matrices that need to be incorporated into each encyclopedia in preparation for modeling System Architect for IAF.
An encyclopedia is prepared by loading the metamodel into the encyclopedia. This needs to be carried out just one time against an encyclopedia and can be performed at any time; good practice would be to do this when you create the encyclopedia.
1 Create an Encyclopedia.
2 To load the metamodel, click Tools > IAF > Load Metamodel.
3 Click Yes to re-open the encyclopedia when prompted.
Note Reloading the meta-model will result in re-load of the IAF specific configuration files, images, and matrices.
See also
Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (CG IAF)