Architecting and designing > Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (CG IAF) > Automated modeling assistance > Maintaining business information service and information object consistency > Business information service definition view
Business information service definition view
You can manually add Information Objects as Inputs and Outputs directly in the Business Information Service definition.
Click Tools > IAF > Update Information Interaction Matrix from Business Information Service. This overwrites the Information Interaction cell definition details from the details contained in the Business Information Service definition, and generates a report so that you can verify the actions before proceeding.
The relationships between Information Objects and a Business Information Service definition, when migrated to the Information Interaction cell definition, are treated as follows where an Information Object present as:
Added as Get
Added as Write
Input and Output
Added as a Transform
Example Updated definition from matrix
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Example Information Interaction details
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Maintaining business information service and information object consistency