Architecting and designing > Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (CG IAF) > Automated modeling assistance > Maintaining business information service and information object consistency > BIS interaction model diagram view
BIS interaction model diagram view
One of uses of the BIS Interaction Model diagram is to represent the relationships between Business Information Service definitions and the Information Objects that relate to it. Whilst it is possible to draw these relationships manually, a utility is provided that will automatically add the Information Objects and their relationships to a Business Information Service thereby maintaining model consistency.
To use the utility
1 Create a BIS Interaction Model.
2 Add the Business Information Services of interest.
3 Click Tools > IAF > Refresh Business Information Service Interaction Model Diagram.
4 Click Yes or No when prompted to “Update Information Interaction matrix before refreshing diagram?”
For information about what this does, see Business information service.
The Information Object symbol is displayed on the diagram as shown below:
Appears to the left
Appears to the right
Input and Output
Appears to the right
See also
Maintaining business information service and information object consistency