Architecting and designing > Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (CG IAF) > Decision support for grouping services into components > Business information service and information object report
Business information service and information object report
For Business Information Services and Information Objects, there is a need to understand their relationships and nature. These relationships are interpreted and reported in MS Excel as multiple spreadsheets.
Tools > IAF > Business Information Service and Information Object Report produces a report with the following spreadsheets containing content:
an Information Object spreadsheet containing a list of all Information Object definitions with details
a Business Information Service spreadsheet containing a list of all Business Information Service definitions with details
a LIC Interaction Model spreadsheet that shows input Information Objects as rows, output Information Objects as columns. The cell entries show the abbreviated list of Business Information Services that act on the input Information Objects to produce the output Information Objects.
a LBISC Interaction Model spreadsheet that shows Business Information Services as rows and columns. The cell entries hold a list of the abbreviated names of the Information Object where they participate as an input in the Business Information Services row entry and as an output in the Business Information Services column entry.
When this spreadsheet has been created, you can attach it to a Solution Alternative definition through the Reference Documents property either as an external file or after loading into the encyclopedia by clicking Tools > File Manager.
The information for the report is sourced from the Business Information Service, so you must ensure that the models are consistent: see Maintaining business information service and information object consistency.
See also
Data clustering
Decision support for grouping services into components