Architecting and designing
Find Symbols
A graphic depicting the Find Symbols list
Use the Find Symbols tool to locate one or more symbols in the diagram by name.
The selected symbols on the diagram are selected in the list.
Initially the edit box has focus. Enter text here to move the dotted cursor in the list box to the first item that contains that text. Pressing the Tab key will move focus to the list box and the dotted cursor will become visible.
When the list box has focus:
The current position in the list is marked by a dotted cursor box. The selection state can be changed by pressing the Space bar, or by clicking with a mouse or other pointing device. The cursor keys can be used to move the cursor box.
If there are sufficient items then a scroll bar will appear.
You can type text to locate items based on a ‘starts with’ search which will cause the cursor to move to the first matching item. Knowledge of what has been typed is cleared as the location in the list is changed or if typing is paused.
Select a single item and click Find to cause that item to be selected in the diagram. The view on the diagram shifts to ensure that the symbol is visible but the zoom factor does not change.
If multiple items are selected then the Zoom option controls whether the view zooms to the area covered by those symbols.
The Clear button clears selections made within the list.