Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints > Building DoDAF 2 models for the Data and Information Viewpoint > Selecting the data model types and target databases for DoDAF 2 modeling
Selecting the data model types and target databases for DoDAF 2 modeling
The ER diagram type is a newer notation than the IDEF1X notation, and is generally considered to have more features available to it than the IDEF1X diagram type. It is not possible to automatically change from one notation to another, but you can generate a physical data model, then map that back to a logical model of the other type (ER or IDEF1X). As a best practice, you should choose the type of Logical Data Model to use at the start of a project.
1 Click Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
2 In the System Architect Property Configuration dialog box, select either Entity Relation and Physical or IDEF1X and Physical.
3 In the Target Databases list, select one or more databases to generate the logical model to.
This selection adds property sets for those databases to the model. Most of these properties are available in the definitions of the Physical model. In the Logical model, ANSI generic properties are used.
4 Click OK.
5 You must reopen the encyclopedia to apply the changes. To reopen the encyclopedia, click File > Open Encyclopedia.
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Building DoDAF 2 models for the Data and Information Viewpoint