Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Enterprise Direction diagram > Enterprise Direction definitions > Mission statement
Mission statement
Specify a textual summary of the Enterprise Direction definition.
Mission statement
Enter the mission statement of your business.
Specific strategies
Specific strategies identify specific business strategies describing how the company hopes to achieve its objectives. Since the strategies state how the objectives will be achieved, they are therefore subordinate to the objectives themselves. Strategies normally number between 5 and 30.
Example of specific strategies
Improve system for seeing that people arrive at the right places at the right times. Improve reliability of package delivery.
Note Strategies and objectives are theoretically different from one another, but in practice the difference between the two might be difficult to tell apart. A strategy at one level might form a business objective at the next level down.
Business objectives
On page 2 of the Mission Statement tab of the Enterprise Direction definition, you can specify one or more Business Objectivesthat will be used to achieve the Mission Statement of the business.
See also
Enterprise Direction definitions