Architecting and designing > MODAF > Running MODAF utilities > Converting diagrams between StV-2 and StV-4 views
Converting diagrams between StV-2 and StV-4 views
This utility is used to generate an StV-4 diagram from an StV-2 diagram and vice versa. The diagrams are built upon the selected Capabilities in the source diagram or the entire diagram.
You must have either an StV-2 or StV-4 diagram open.
1 Click Tools > MODAF Utilities.
2 Depending upon which diagram you have open, click one of these commands:
Convert StV-2 to StV-4
Convert StV-4 to StV2
3 The Generate StV-2 From StV-4/StV-4 From StV-2 dialog is presented.
4 In the Generate StV-2 From StV-4/StV-4 From StV-2 dialog box, type a name for the diagram.
5 Under the Capabilities property, select All Symbols or Selected Symbols. When choosing Selected Symbols, make sure that you have already selected the symbols on the diagram that you want generated. If no symbols have been selected the diagram will be created without any symbols drawn.
All Symbols: If selected, all symbols in the source diagram are generated in the new diagram.
Selected Symbols: If selected, all symbols that you have selected on the diagram are generated in the converted diagram. If no symbols are selected, the diagram is created without any symbols drawn.
6 Click OK.
The converted diagram is generated.
A report is displayed indicating that the new diagram has been created based on the selections that were made in the Generate StV-2 From StV-4/StV-4 From StV-2 dialog box.
See also
Running MODAF utilities