Architecting and designing > NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) > NAF v4 > Concepts Viewpoints > C5 – Effects
C5 – Effects
The C5 – Effects viewpoint of NAF v4enables you to model the state of the strategy of the architecture, in terms of the Projects that are on-going or planned to achieve Capabilities that bring about a Desired change in state of Resources.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In the example above, the Project “Find Victim in All Conditions (FVAC)” has Milestones “Phase 1”, “Phase 2”, and “Phase 3”. At each Milestone, a new Capability is enabled. Each Capability has a DesiredEffect on the new resource state of a Resource – for example, “UAV M3” achieves the DesiredEffect “Improve UAV So It Can Fly in Wind & Rain Conditions that Accompany Sea State 7-8”.
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Concepts Viewpoints