Architecting and designing > NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) > NAF v3 > Running NAF 3 utilities > Generating reports on the balance of NOV-2 and NOV-5 information exchanges (NAF)
Generating reports on the balance of NOV-2 and NOV-5 information exchanges (NAF)
You can run a utility that reports on the balance of information exchanges used on needlines in NOV-2 operational node connectivity diagrams with the information exchanges used by ICOM arrows on NOV-5 activity diagrams.
There must be at least one NOV-5 activity model and a corresponding NOV-2 operational node connectivity diagram in the current encyclopedia. The symbols in each diagram must be defined and the appropriate information present for comparison.
In the NOV-2 and NOV-5 diagrams that you select, the following balancing operation checks are performed:
Needlines without information exchanges
Information exchanges without corresponding needlines
Information exchanges on needlines not used on the activity model
Information exchanges to operational activity validation
Source operational activity and operational node discrepancies
Destination operational activity and operational node discrepancies
Source or destination operational activity and operational node
To generate balance OV2 and OV5 information exchanges reports
1 Click Tools > NAF Utilities.
2 Select Balance NOV-2 and NOV-5 Info. Exchanges.
A list of top-level NOV-5 activity diagrams and NOV-2 operational node connectivity diagrams is displayed.
3 Select one NOV-5 diagram and one NOV-2 diagram from each list for balancing.
4 Click Run.
The report is generated in a Microsoft Word document with a list of the balance check results.
See also
Running NAF 3 utilities