Architecting and designing > SOA > Application landscape diagram > Auto build landscape
Auto build landscape
You can automatically create an Application Landscape diagram by using predefined Application Landscape reports.
Edit the diagram properties to include Application Landscape reports to automatically build your diagram.
1 Create an Application Landscape diagram.
2 Right-click an unused part of the diagram, and then click Diagram Properties.
3 Click the Auto Builder tab.
4 In the Landscape Reports to Execute property, click Choices.
5 Drag an Application Landscape Report into the Landscape Reports To Execute property field. Click OK. You can select more than one report; the symbols are added in the order of the reports you have selected.
6 Select Tools > Application Landscape Tools > Auto Build Landscape.
The diagram becomes populated with the symbols represented in the Application Landscape report. A Build Landscape report is generated indicating the different reports you used to create this diagram. You can save, print, or make a copy of this report.
Note You can also run Analytics through the Auto Builder tab. You can add or select predefined Analytic by adding them in the Analytics To Run property field.
See also
Application landscape diagram