Architecting and designing > SOA > Application landscape diagram > Executing and clearing analytics on a diagram
Executing and clearing analytics on a diagram
You can run or clear existing analytics that have been assigned to the Application Landscape diagram.
To execute analytics, you must first assign analytic definitions to the diagram.
1 With an Application Landscape diagram open, right-click the diagram workspace, and then click Diagram Properties.
2 Select the Auto Builder tab. In the Analytics to Run property, click Choices.
3 Drag one or more Analytic definitions into the Analytics to Run property field. Click OK.
4 Select Tools > Application Landscape Tools > Execute Analytics Assigned To Diagram.
The analytics will run one after the other and color the symbols that meet the criteria specific in the analytic.
Note Clear Existing Analytics is only for clearing the legend or the key on the diagram. Clearing the result of analytic is not supported. For example, symbols that have been colored because of the result of an analytic cannot be undone. To clear the legend or keys on the diagram, select Tools > Application Landscape Tools > Clear Existing Analytics.
See also
Application landscape diagram