Architecting and designing > TOGAF > Building deliverables for the TOGAF Architecture Development Method > Building deliverables for Phase B: Business Architecture
Building deliverables for Phase B: Business Architecture
In Phase B of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) you establish the Business Architecture of the organization.
For a full description on how to build the architecture at this phase, see the TOGAF documentation at:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Deliverables for Phase B: Business Architecture
Catalogs (Reports)
Business Capabilities Catalog.
Business Service/Function Catalog.
Contract/Measure Catalog.
Driver/Goal/Objective Catalog.
Location Catalog.
Organization Unit/Actor Catalog.
Process/Event/Control Product Catalog.
Role Catalog.
Value Stream Catalog.
Actor/Role matrix.
Business Interaction matrix.
Capability/Organization matrix.
Strategy/Capability matrix.
Value Stream/Capability matrix.
Core diagrams
Business Architecture Diagram.
Business Capability Map.
Business Footprint Diagram.
Business Service Information Diagram.
Event Diagram.
Functional Decomposition Diagram.
Goal/Objective/Service Diagram.
Information Model.
Organization Decomposition Diagram.
Organization Map.
Process Flow Diagram.
Roadmap Marker Diagram to model Product Lifecycle.
Use Case Diagram.
System Architect features to use
The objectives of building the business architecture are to understand, describe, and model the current (or baseline, or 'as is') business architecture, and then develop target, or to be business architectures. In System Architect, you can use workspaces (see Creating a workspace) to enable baseline and target architectures.
See also
Diagram types to describe business architecture