Customizing the metamodel > Adding options to Advanced Method Customization
Adding options to Advanced Method Customization
The presence of a usradv.cfg file in the encyclopedia allows specification of diagrams and property sets created by users to be added to the Advanced page of the Method Customization dialog.
Basic format
" Diagram name"
"Property set name"
Extended format
Diagram and property set names can be wrapped in a group with a condition, like so:
" Diagram name" T
"Property set name" T
where condition is a comma-separated list of other diagram and property set names. Normally, all of these have to be active for the contained options to be presented, but a property or diagram name can be preceded by a ‘-’ character before the opening " to specify that the diagram or property set should be inactive.
Specifying T after a name causes the setting to default to a set state if no other setting has been saved in the encyclopedia configuration.
In the following specification, "My special properties" and " My special diagram" are presented only when the "Business Process" diagram is enabled and the " Entity Relation" diagram is not. All specified properties and diagrams default to enabled:
[" Business Process",-" Entity Relation"
"My special properties" T
" My special diagram" T
"My special properties 2" T
" My special diagram 2" T
Showing diagrams
A number of diagrams are shown only if the supporting property set is active. The following diagrams require “Business Enterprise”:
“System Architecture”
“System Area Map”
“System Context”
“System/Subsystem Structure”
“Business Concept”
“Functional Hierarchy”
“Process Hierarchy”
“Network Concept”
“Process Decomposition”
“Relationship Map”
“Organization Chart”
“Decision Chart”
Note “Network Concept” can also be turned on if the TOGAF framework is selected.
The UML 2.5 diagrams are shown only if the UML 2.5 property set is on. If the property is not on, the diagrams are turned off.
The SysML diagrams are shown only if the SysML 1.6 property set is on. If the property is not on, the diagrams are turned off.
See also
Introduction to extending metamodel with USRPROPS