Extending product function with VBA > Introduction to extending SA with VBA
Introduction to extending SA with VBA
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and its development environment is installed with System Architect. Microsoft VBA’s help system is also installed, and is accessible after launching Microsoft VBA from the System Architect main toolbar.
This section covers the fundamentals of working with System Architect and Microsoft VBA. It also contains information about using the Object Browser, macros, and the Microsoft VBA Editor.
Automating System Architect
System Architect is VBA-enabled allowing the user to control the System Architect environment programmatically, and to control other applications using OLE automation.
For more information, see Automating System Architect.
Object browser
The Object Browser is a very useful feature of the VBA Editor, allowing the interrogation of available Object Libraries, Type Libraries and Dynamic Link Libraries.
For more information, see Using Microsoft VBA’s Object Browser.
Programming System Architect with Microsoft VBA
Microsoft VBA enables users to control System Architect programmatically. The programming environment, debugging environment, and language is the same Microsoft VBA found throughout the industry, including in Microsoft Office products.
See Programming System Architect with Microsoft VBA.
Running a macro
Because System Architect has built-in support for Microsoft VBA, you can write native macros that run inside System Architect to do all sorts of things, such as adding useful utilities, or even affecting the behavior of the tool.
For more information, see Running a macro.
Macro projects
Temporary project files can be added to the Sample project, by using the Macro Projects dialog.
For more information, see Macro projects.
Accessing the VBA editor
See Accessing the VBA Editor.
Automation and System Architect
See Automation and System Architect.
The System Architect object model
The Objects available to Microsoft VBA from System Architect can be viewed through the Object Browser in the Microsoft VBA editor. Each type of object is defined as a class, which contains a list of the supported properties and methods.
For more information, see The System Architect object model.
System Architect collections
See System Architect collections.
System Architect events
See System Architect events.
See Samples.
System Architect relationships
See System Architect relationships.
Handling events in field types
See Handling events in field types.
System Architect errors
See System Architect errors.