Getting started > Getting started with System Architect > Getting started: Working with encyclopedias > Attaching encyclopedias
Attaching encyclopedias
Existing encyclopedias can be attached using System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM). You must be connected to an instance of a SQL Server to use SAEM.
To start SAEM (SQL Server)
Click Start > UNICOM Systems> UNICOM Systems Lifecycle Solutions Tools > System Architect > SAEM for SQL Server.
To connect to an SQL server
If you are not connected to an SQL Server, do this:
1 In the SAEM window, click Server > Connect.
2 In the Connect to Server window, select a server from the Available SQL Servers list.
The list might display multiple servers on the network, but you can connect to only those servers to which you have been granted access.
3 Select an Authentication method:
Windows: Uses the user name and password that you used to log onto Windows.
SQL Server: Some SQL Servers environments might require that, in addition to your Windows login, you provide a separate SQL user name and password.
4 Select Save connection information to save the server and selected authentication method.
5 Click OK.
The status bar displays: the server you are connected to; the SQL Server or SQL Express instance you are connected to; the database that is connected; and your domain and user name.
The Task window displays your recent activities.
To attach a database
After you are logged into SAEM, you can attach a database.
1 In the Encyclopedia Manager window, click Database > Attach.
2 In the Attach a Database window, click Browse and navigate to this directory:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Encyclopedias\Samples
3 Select the Samples.mdf file and click Open.
4 Return to the Attach a Database window. In Attach as, type:
5 Click OK.
6 Select Server > Exit to close SAEM.
Setting preferences for encyclopedias
See also
Getting started: Working with encyclopedias