Getting started > Getting started with System Architect > Getting started: Working with encyclopedias > Navigating encyclopedias using the Explorer
Navigating encyclopedias using the Explorer
The Explorer enables you to navigate through encyclopedia objects, including diagram types, definition types, and the methodology views that you have configured for the encyclopedia.
The Explorer presents views that show the diagram types that are currently available for use based on the settings you have selected in the System Architect Property Configuration dialog box.
Based on the settings made for the encyclopedia, you can see the following views:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The Data Modeling and UML views present different views of diagrams and definitions than the other views:
The Data Modeling view presents the data models in the encyclopedia as folders, and displays the logical and physical diagrams for each model in the respective folder.
The UML view of the explorer presents the package structure of the diagrams and definitions.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The Explorer can be set to refresh automatically after you have made any changes to the definitions or diagrams.
Automatic browser refresh for the Explorer and speed issues
When automatic refresh is on, the information in the explorer automatically updates as you add, modify, or delete a symbol, definition, or diagram in an encyclopedia.
There are two levels of browser refresh:
Auto Refresh refreshes the explorer only if the changed item happens to be in the current explorer view.
Browser Full Refresh refreshes everything in the explorer even if the changed item is not currently displayed.
By default, browser refresh is “On” in a single-user environment, and “Off” in a network environment.
To turn the settings on or off, select Tools > Session Options. Set Browser Auto Refresh and Browser Full Refresh to Y (on) or N (off).
In a network environment, automatic browser refresh might be slow. If you want browser refresh on, you can close the explorer as you work. To reopen it, click the Show Explorer Window toolbar button, or click View > Explorer.
Getting started: Creating diagrams
See also
Getting started with System Architect