You can use the Raw Data option with Text and HTML type reports.
Using Raw Data option for text reports
Raw Data for text reports extracts information garnered in the report into well-formed tables made up of joined rows, in a format compatible with Microsoft Access. It is equivalent to applying the Extract command to the report. You can then use Access to create reports based on the extracts of the System Architect Encyclopedia.
If you select the Raw Data option for a text report, you must specify an output file for the text file of raw data generated. Three files are generated:
Using Raw Data option for HTML reports
Raw Data for HTML reports generates raw HTML (not formatted by a selected XSL stylesheet) to the output directory that you have specified, with the name of the output file appended with _data.
For example, if you generate an HTML report to ..\temp\output.htm, the raw data is output to ..\temp\output_data.htm.
You can open the HTML raw data in programs such as Microsoft Excel.