Reporting > Native reporting system > Reporting system command language > AND condition
AND condition
Use the AND condition to extract this AND this AND this. The AND condition is communicated by use of successive WHERE command statements that result in a selection only when each condition in all of the statements are met.
WHERE field-identifier-1 operator test-field-value-1
WHERE field-identifier-2 operator test-field-value-2
This WHERE statement specifies “search the entity table for values in which both the conditions specified by the first WHERE and second WHERE statement are met, and include the result in the extraction database”.
Example 1
These WHERE statements select diagrams that are Gane & Sarson DFDs AND are level 1 child diagrams.
WHERE Class = Diagram
WHERE Type = "Data Flow Gane & Sarson"
WHERE Level = 1
These WHERE statements select diagrams that are Gane & Sarson DFDs AND are level 1 child diagrams.
Example 2
These WHERE statements select all the information in the encyclopedia that was updated between July 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000.
WHERE "Update Date" >= 7/1/2000
WHERE "Update Date" <= 12/31/2000
Example 3
If you use the WHERE command statements in examples 1 and 2 together, only the Gane & Sarson level 1 child diagrams updated between July 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000 are included in the extraction database.
WHERE Class = Diagram
WHERE Type = "Data Flow Gane & Sarson"
WHERE Level = 1
WHERE "Update Date" >= 7/1/2000
WHERE "Update Date" <= 12/30/2000
Parent topic
Reporting system command language