The user can specify the justification for each header/footer string independent of other header/footer strings by inserting tab characters in front of the character string (immediately after the starting quote) as follows:
•If the first character of the header/trailer string is not a tab, the complete header/trailer is left-justified.
•If the first character is a tab, but the second character is not, the complete header/trailer is centered.
•If two tabs precede the string, the complete header/trailer is right-justified.
Although more than one character string can be placed in a single header or footer specification, all strings within an individual specification must have the same justification. For example, if a header contains a date string and a page number string, both must be either left justified or right justified; the date cannot be left justified while the page number is right justified. The appearance of left and right justification within the same line can be achieved by adding a blank character string, as shown by the following example:
SETTING { HEADER 2 "Date", " ", "Page #pg#" }
Tab characters can only be entered in text mode in Header and Trailer statements. For more information, see Edit <report name>: Text Mode dialog. Tab characters are not supported by the Report Editor.