SA XT for web access > System Architect XT > Working with diagrams > Creating diagrams > Image Object Recognition Importer
Image Object Recognition Importer
The Image Object Recognition Importer tool can accept an image file and will attempt to recognize objects in that image that can be converted to System Architect diagram symbols.
To launch this tool, click the OCR icon located on the top toolbar of the SAXT Diagram Editor. This tool is currently in beta and will only be available on non-representationally consistent diagram types.
Getting started
Browse: First the user will select the Browse button located at the bottom right of the dialog prompt. From there they can select the picture they want to import.
Objects Supported: The tool is designed to let the user first define the symbol types on the diagram imported, and then, based on those symbol definitions, the tool allows them to make the appropriate line connections.
Clicking the image: One way to navigate between objects is by selecting the corresponding box located on the image itself.
Next or Back button: Another way to navigate between objects is by clicking the Next or Back button located under the cropped image on the left-hand side.
Bounding box dropdown: The final way to navigate between objects is to use the first dropdown located on the left-hand side, and then selecting the corresponding bonding box number labeled in the picture on the right.
Dialog options
Symbol name input: By default, if not specified all symbols will take on the number of their corresponding bounding box label number. To change this, you will need to fill out the input box labeled symbol name. This will then become the new display name for the symbol after it is imported.
Symbol type dropdown: By default, each symbol will be defaulted to the first type in the list. To change this, select the appropriate symbol type from this dropdown.
Include dropdown: Sometimes the tool will pick-up objects such as lines that the user might not want to include in the import. This dropdown allows the user to select which objects should be included or excluded from the final import.
Connected Lines: This selection box will appear only if there is a potential connection available between two symbols based on the types selected. If two symbols can be connected they will appear under this section. If the user wants to connect those symbols, they can check the corresponding box and select the type of line that they want to use. If there are no connections available this section will not appear.
Completing the Import
Import: After every symbol has been defined you can then click the import button to import the final diagram into System Architect.
When the symbols are drawn on the SAXT Diagram Editor, you must click the Save button to make the changes permanent.
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Creating diagrams