Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
What is the System Architect Catalog Manager?
A tool designed to control access to enterprise encyclopedias. It creates three-way relationships between enterprise encyclopedias, users, and roles. Enterprise encyclopedias are attached to a catalog. Users are assigned to Enterprise encyclopedias, and are given roles, which contain permissions to catalogs, to encyclopedia objects, and to System Architect functionality.
What is an enterprise encyclopedia?
A standard System Architect encyclopedia that has been attached to a catalog. The catalog provides access control to Enterprise encyclopedias that reside on the same server as the catalog.
What is a professional encyclopedia?
A standard System Architect encyclopedia that is not attached to a Catalog.
What is a catalog?
A catalog is database that can hold information about and control access to other databases on the same server. Enterprise encyclopedias attached to a catalog are subject to access control, as administered using System Architect Catalog Manager.
Who can access an enterprise encyclopedia?
Only catalog users who have been assigned to the Enterprise encyclopedia, and assigned a role in the encyclopedia.
What is a user?
A user, identified by a name and an audit ID, is an individual who has access to the catalog, and subsequently, can be granted permissions to cataloged encyclopedias and to System Architect functionality.
What is a user group?
A group contains multiple users. They provide a convenient way for you to administer permissions to multiple users more efficiently. By setting permissions for a group, you set permissions for all members of the group. You work with groups the same as with users.
What is the user group named Everyone?
Every user added to a catalog by default becomes a member of the group named Everyone. This allows for global assignment of roles – by assigning a role to Everyone, you assign it to all its members at the same time.
From System Architect, when you create an encyclopedia, you can make your encyclopedia available to Everyone by selecting Allow others to access this encyclopedia.
What is a role?
A role is assigned permissions to the catalog, to encyclopedia objects, and to System Architect functionality. Roles are assigned to users, which empowers them with the permissions of the role, on a per encyclopedia basis.
Can an professional encyclopedia be attached to a catalog?
Yes, a professional encyclopedia can be attached to a catalog. Doing so makes it an Enterprise encyclopedia.
Can an enterprise encyclopedia be detached from a catalog?
Yes, an enterprise encyclopedia can be detached from a catalog. Doing so makes it a professional encyclopedia.
Can any catalog user create or delete encyclopedias?
No, the Create or Destroy catalog permissions are distinct from encyclopedia permissions. Other tasks users can perform on catalogs are controlled by the Read and Write catalog permissions.
Can I create more than one catalog?
Yes, but not on the same server. There can only be one catalog per server. A catalog is analogous to a master database table in a SQL server.
Can a catalog in one server manage encyclopedias on different servers?
No, the scope of a catalog is limited to encyclopedias on the same server where it resides. However, System Architect Catalog Manager can manage different catalogs on different servers.
Can a catalog be copied?
Yes, the Copy Catalog command copies roles, permissions, and the relationships between them, from one server to another. To copy a catalog, you need permissions to Create a Catalog on the target server. Copying a catalog also serves as a backup.
Why is my catalog opening in read-only when I have write access to it?
This happens when somebody else has opened the catalog for edit. All other users have read-only access until that initial user shuts down their Catalog Manager session.
When should optimized XT reader views be republished?
Republishing needs to be done for an encyclopedia after changing any of the following entities:
Role - encyclopedia permissions where the parent (owning or referencing) role is involved in a User-encyclopedia-role relationship.
Role expressions where the parent (owning or referencing) role is involved in a User-encyclopedia-role relationship.
User-encyclopedia-role relationships.
User-group relationships where the user or referencing group is involved in a User-encyclopedia-role relationship
ILAC state.
Note This also requires reopening of the encyclopedia in System Architect in order to recompile the property set, before instances will be shown in SAXT or SAREST.
See also
System Architect Catalog Manager