Tutorials > Relational data modeling for data architecture > Introduction: Relational data modeling for data architecture > Prerequisites
Before you begin this tutorial, make sure that you have completed the following tasks:
Attach the tutorial encyclopedias to your server
If you used the default settings in the Startup Wizard to install System Architect, you should already have all the prebuilt encyclopedias installed. If they are not installed, use the SAEM tool or Microsoft's Enterprise Manager tool to upload the encyclopedias. You will know if you do not have the encyclopedias attached if they do not appear in the Existing folder when you open an encyclopedia.
Refer to the Getting Started topic on Attaching encyclopedias for instructions on how to attach the prebuilt encyclopedias to your database.
Open the encyclopedia named Tutorial
To open prebuilt encyclopedias:
1 Start System Architect.
2 Select File > Open Encyclopedia.
3 Select the Existing folder.
4 In the Connection field, select an available Connection name from the list. This provides you with a list of encyclopedias (databases) that are connected to your server.
5 Highlight the name of the encyclopedia that you want to open in the Encyclopedias on connection field.
6 Click OK.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
7 When your encyclopedia is open, look in the title bar of System Architect and see if your encyclopedia name appears. For example, (Tutorial) appears below.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Check the Property Configurations
Select the properties in the following diagram. These properties can be changed at any time during the project, but after making changes, you must reopen the encyclopedia for those changes to take effect.
1 Select Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
2 Select the properties in this dialog:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Click Advanced. The options should look like the picture below. If Struct as Entity data choice is not in the Selected, Property Set list box, find it in the Available Property Sets list box, select it, and click Add.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Set the Preferences
1 Select Tools > Preferences.
2 Select the properties in this dialog:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Module 1: Generate a logical data model
See also
Introduction: Relational data modeling for data architecture