Tutorials > UML modeling for information system architecture > Module 4: Create state diagrams > Lesson 4.1: Create a state diagram
Lesson 4.1: Create a state diagram
Create a UML State diagram as a child diagram to the Reservation class.
1 Open the Tutorial encyclopedia. (Select File > Open Encyclopedia > Existing. Select your Connection name, then highlight the Tutorial encyclopedia, click OK.)
2 Open the UML class diagram you have built, Hotel Reservation System.
3 Right-click the class Reservation and select Create Child. The Child Create dialog appears.
4 Select State as the type and leave its name at the default Reservation. Click OK.
5 Select Yes to the message asking if you want to save changes to the current diagram. The Diagram - UML State- dialog appears, with the package (Reservation System) and class (Reservation) properties already filled in.
6 Click OK to create the state diagram.
Lesson 4.2: Determine the states and transitions for a class
See also
Module 4: Create state diagrams