Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > System Architect encyclopedia basics > Encyclopedia underlying structure > Encyclopedia tables > List of fields in an ENTITY table
List of fields in an ENTITY table
When you create a System Architect encyclopedia, an ENTITY table is created with the fields listed below.
The class code
The value entered by the user or the last update audit identification. In a network environment, it can also contain the Id of the user who last locked the item.
A True/False (T/F) indicator for the presence of an arrowhead at the from-end of a line symbol.
A code (see above) indicating what kind of crow's foot or cardinality arrowhead is to be drawn at the from-end of a line symbol.
A 32-bit system-assigned identification number which is unique in the encyclopedia.
A 80-character user-assigned name.
The symbol’s number: for example, the 1 in Process P1 or in Process 2.3.1.
A pointer to this entry's memo field in the ENTITY table, if such a memo field exists. The memo field is where lengthy text is kept, such as Descriptions and other properties.
A True/False (T/F) indicator for the presence of an arrowhead at the to-end of a line symbol.
A code indicating what kind of crow’s foot or cardinality arrowhead is to be drawn at the to-end of a line symbol:
0: Unmarked
1: One and Only One
2: Zero or One
3: One or Many
4: Zero, One or Many
5: Many
6: Unknown
7: Unmarked
8: Super
8: Sub
The type code.
A system-assigned entry or last update date and time. The time is represented in the 24 hour format HHMMSS. In a network environment, it can also contain the date when an item was last locked.
A 32-bit system-assigned identification number which is unique across encyclopedias.
See also
Encyclopedia tables