Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Creating and opening encyclopedias > Converting encyclopedias for use with latest version of System Architect
Converting encyclopedias for use with latest version of System Architect
All new System Architect versions can use new stored procedures and tables for improvements in functionality or performance. Because of this, encyclopedias created with previous versions of the product typically need to be quickly converted to the newest format.
Stage 1
Convert the data of the encyclopedia using SAEM, as follows:
1 In SAEM, log in to the server containing the encyclopedia you want to upgrade (select Server, Connect).
2 Choose the encyclopedia you want to upgrade (select Database, Select Database).
3 In SAEM, select Tools, Convert to "XX" Format (XX will change by version). This will convert the data to the format necessary to be used with System Architect latest version.
Stage 2
A user with a System Administrator’s role, or the owner of the encyclopedia, must open the converted encyclopedia in System Architect's latest version, as follows:
See also
Creating and opening encyclopedias