Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Creating and opening encyclopedias > Converting SQL Server encyclopedias to support Optimized XT Reader
Converting SQL Server encyclopedias to support Optimized XT Reader
Beginning with System Architect V11.3.1, encyclopedias on SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 must be enabled with the Optimized XT Reader, which supports REST APIs. This allows encyclopedias to serve as data sources for reporting products, and to be accessed through System Architect XT without running the application executable, when a user logs in as a Reader.
Creating new encyclopedias
If you are creating an encyclopedia on SQL Server Express 2005 or higher, the encyclopedia is automatically enabled with Optimized XT Reader.
Opening existing encyclopedias
When you open SQL Server 2005 encyclopedias created with System Architect V 11.3 or older, a dialog informs you that you must convert the encyclopedia to use Optimized XT Reader feature before you can open the encyclopedia. The encyclopedia cannot be opened until the conversion is made. See the SAEM for SQL Server online help for more information.
Processes that run in the background when the Optimized XT Reader is in progress
When you convert an encyclopedia for the Optimized XT Reader feature, a number of processes run in the background that store information to the database. The processes and updates that occur are listed below for information and troubleshooting purposes:
Update to all Metadata Information for each class/type (Update Meta data).
Save SVG Files (process Diagrams). These are used when you run System Architect XT in Reader mode to view diagrams, since System Architect is not run.
Related Item Information (Dictionary Update).
Relationship records (for example, value 2 is ‘contains') (Update Metadata).
Field Type Records (for example, Identity is ‘Numeric length 15) (Update Metadata).
Creation of stored procedures/triggers/tables/indexes (Setup encyclopedia schema through schema checker).
Updates Saproperties table (Setup encyclopedia schema).
OptimizedXTReaderEnabled is set to 1 if salibnet is enabled on that encyclopedia.
Last Metadata Table Update is updated with date.
Generate views for each user for supporting ILAC/RBAC permissions (Update Optimized xt reader views).
Populate RoleACCESS, ILACCESS for supporting ILAC/RBAC permissions (Update Optimized xt reader views).
Create and populate two more properties (PermittedToRead, PermittedToWrite) (Populate Entityxml).
Convert Short Props/Long Props into XML field (Populate EntityXML). In this stage, the date from Entity table gets converted into XML Format by executing.
SP_SA_AddPropertiesXMLColumn SP. When you System Architect XT in Reader mode, there is no start the SA2001.exe file.
See also
Creating and opening encyclopedias