Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Creating and opening encyclopedias > SQL Server > Creating a SQL Server encyclopedia
Creating a SQL Server encyclopedia
A Connection needs to be established in order to create an encyclopedia. If no Connections are available, see Creating a connection.
For information on accessing the SQL Server Database Servers see SQL Server and SQL Express encyclopedia access.
To create an encyclopedia on SQL server
1 In System Architect, click File > Open Encyclopedia (or click the Open Encyclopedia toolbar button).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Click the New icon in the Open Encyclopedia dialog.
3 Optionally, you can select Enterprise encyclopedia to subject the encyclopedia to access control as implemented through System Architect Catalog Manager utility. Select Allow others to access this enterprise encyclopedia to make it accessible to other users.
4 Select an connection, and then click OK.
5 In the New encyclopedia name field, type in the name of the encyclopedia that you want to create. If one already exists with that name, you will be prompted to open that encyclopedia.
6 Click OK to create the encyclopedia.
The Property Configuration dialog box opens (see Setting a project’s property configuration).
7 Select the methods and property sets that you will be initially modeling with in the encyclopedia. Click OK to close the dialog and create the encyclopedia.
You have now created a System Architect encyclopedia in a database on SQL Server.
See also
SQL Server